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What Is Reiki?



  The word “Reiki”, pronounced ray-key, means “spiritual energy” or “transcendent life force” in Japanese. Reiki is a natural healing art which involves the channeling of energy through the hands for the purpose of healing the body, mind, spirit, and emotions.  It was developed in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk. It is not connected to any religion or specific spiritual path.


  Reiki is used by women, men and children of all ages, in a multitude of countries and religions to heal emotionally, physically and spiritually. Benefits of the Reiki System include:

• Reducing stress


• Strengthening the immune system


• Easing pain and physical discomfort

• Balancing and harmonizing emotions


• Enhancing mental clarity and creativity

• Facilitating personal and spiritual growth




 The body is more than just a collection of functioning parts. Since everything generates a frequency, the body and its organs have their own energy field which is continually changing. All conditions of disease are rooted in this energy system. If our "life force" is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But if it is high and flowing freely, we can maintain our health and well being.


 Reiki Healing Energy provides means to balance the human energy fields (Auras)and energy centers (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function.


 The Reiki practitioner assists the client to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a simple laying on of hands. By the use of ancient healing symbols the practitioner channels the Universal Life Force energy allowing it to flow where is needed to bring the energy centers into alignment.



 The Reiki practitioner must be a clear vessel through which the healing energy flows. He/She plays an instrumental part in the healing process, but ultimately it is up to the healer to manifest harmony and balance in their own life.  





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How does Distance Healing work?

 Healers have recognized for centuries what modern astrophysicists and quantum scientists have only recently become aware of: The world as we know it is an illusion. We are all made of energy, vibrating at different pitches, designating different manifestations of life. For those people who are able to intuitively work with energy, or to learn the processes involved, healing is a matter of transferring and balancing that energy.

 Working not the physical form, but with pure energy means that the healer can operate outside of the normal limitations of time and space. This allows the healer to send therapy to a person or energy pattern that is physically distant from them, or not even in the world that we know. 

 Healing energy is often termed "sub-atomic" and/or "cosmic", but what this means essentially is that any manifestation of life energy, including the seemingly inanimate, such as rocks and plant life, through to concepts and situations that we have invested our energy into, can all benefit from healing therapy.

 Who and what can Distance Healing be used for?

 If you are unwell, or if you simply wish to maintain health, or to encourage a period of positive transformation in your life, then distance healing is a relevant therapy for you. The therapy lasts for 30 minutes. If you have no free time, then it is possible to set up a session to be conducted while you are asleep. If on the other hand, you wish to participate in the therapy, which will enhance the effects, then there are options you can consider listed below.

 Friends, Family and loved ones

If you wish to designate a recipient for healing, then it is a simple matter of you letting us know who that person is. Remember that it is only polite to ask the person first. If you are not able to make contact with the person due to inaccessibility or illness then it is fine to proceed with the therapy, as it is the individual's own choice whether or not to accept the healing energy. Healers will always transmit the explicit understanding that energy will only be transferred if it is to the highest good of the recipient. 



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